Out Of Darkness, Into The Light 2

Out Of Darkness, Into The Light 2

Latest Episodes

Ancient Lady gives her testimony
November 24, 2012

Ancient Lady gives her testimony

Critique of the Christian perception of reality & the manufactured "system"
September 19, 2012

This "shoe" was the latter part of a five hour+ call that began with a dialogue between Dave, Connie and Matthew (from Fractal Eschatology) on the Grey Goddess, ect. After Connie and Leesa left to get some sleep Dave had a discussion with Matthew on some

Modalistic Christology, Wesleyan perfectionism, judging heresy & Dumchurch
September 12, 2012

Charles, Dave and Leesa were on the call. The modalistic view of Oneness Pentecostalism on the godhead was discussed in some detail. Dave and Leesa concluded it was a heresy while Charles was more hesitant. The subject of who a believer has permission to

Multiple incarnations of Cain, Nimrod & Daniel 11:36/Overview of Isaiah 14
September 03, 2012

This Talkshoe was the latter part of an earlier discussion with Charles that was unrecorded. Dave, Connie, Leesa and Charles were on the call. Brian Palmer and Linda were in the chat. Dave began by presenting the theory that both God and the Illuminati we

The Into The Light gang have a chat with Emrys from Down Under
August 22, 2012

Connie, Dave and Leesa were on the phone with Emryrs and Linda was listening through the chat. Emyrs is a recent convert to Christianity who is growing by leaps and bounds. He began the call by talking about a demonically oppressed person he was ministeri

Roundtable discussion with Matthew from Fractal Eschatology
June 25, 2012

Dave, Connie, Eric, Leesa and Charles were on the call. Matthew Chojnacki is the owner of a Facebook group called "Fractal Eschatology" and is currently writing a book on spiritual related issues.

Ancient Lady initiates Jovan; Aether & Ex discuss alchemy & misc. esoterica
June 10, 2012

Connie, Dave, Charles, Jovan, Leesa and Eric on the call. Linda was in the chat. Connie and Dave introduced Jovan to some alternative info and concepts. Eric and Dave talked about various esoteric subjects with Charles and Linda.

Demonizing "new agey" type therapies, Alt. health roundtable - part 2
April 03, 2012

Dave, Eric, Leesa & Charles on the call. This is part 2 of a lengthy Q & A session on esoteric theology that began with Dave and Charles and ended with a discussion on transformative health tools and therapies, especially those that are demonized as being