Amazing FBA Amazon and ECommerce Podcast, for Amazon Private Label Sellers, Shopify, Magento or Wooc

Amazing FBA Amazon and ECommerce Podcast, for Amazon Private Label Sellers, Shopify, Magento or Wooc

#48 Differentiating your product on Amazon - PART TWO of the Marketing Mastery Mini Series - Amazing FBA

May 12, 2016

Master Marketing Principles Mini Series:

Problem: “all things to all people” Principle ONE: NICHE MARKET
“Same as everyone else” Principle TWO: DIFFERENTIATE
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Problem: Same as everyone else
Result: No sales, or shopped on price

Customize the Product itself:

Existing issues:

look at products with average 3* reviews but good demand
look at the 1 and 2 star reviews
if you can find a problem you can fix easily, then do that.

Product Variations (parent and child relationships)

If you see that certain variations eg Pink colour etc (Child Variations) sell well, order some of these and test the market.
Bear in mind that usually one variation characteristic eg colour(Child Product) will result in most of the sales of that kind of product (Parent Product)


Amazon Rules:

They must be physically packaged together before they get to Amazon
They must have a separate ASIN (Amazon product ID number) to the single packs

Multipacks- simplest type of bundle but can be most effective

If you notice your product selling in 2s, 3s or 5s for example,
First experiment by setting up  a promotion (on Amazon Seller Central) on your product with different “tiers”. So give a different discount for buying say 2, 5, 10 products together

Note that your Discount applies to the ORDER as a whole NOT to each individual unit
For example, 1 unit costs $10; discount on promotion for buying 2=$2. So value of order =2X$10=$20. Discount=$2. Total price to customer: $18.

you can bundle multipacks of the same products together. Notice:
One simple starter trick (market test) here is to have your warehouse hold back a number of single items and package them together into bundles.
If this proves enough demand, go back to your supplier and ask for new packaging for 1, 2, 5, 10 etc. packs

Different products bundled together

For example, if you sell Tennis shoes, you could bundle it with a packet of tennis balls.
Same Amazon rules apply as per Multipacks.
You can also use the same idea with your warehouse to test this.


This doesn’t help your product on Amazon sell so very much (although it helps)- but it greatly boosts organic Reviews and Repeat buyers
Getting really great packaging done may cost 30-50 cents more per unit but can mean you can charge dollars more on the sales price
It can be best to find a separate packaging factory/supplier in China if you want to be sophisticated
Use a designer who is familiar with this and if possible a Supplier who uses industry standard files (eg Adobe Illustrator) 

Customer Service

If there’s a problem, respond fast, courteously
Offer a refund or replacement without customer having to return product
If you can go even further and offer some  other light  products for free etc. or any other form of “Wow” experience, so much the better!