Almost Lost To History

Almost Lost To History

Lincoln's Assassination Avenged

February 26, 2019

This week we are changing things up. Instead of focusing on a specific paper, we are looking at a specific event. Lincoln's assassination and how justice was obtained.  We start on the date of the assassination and end with the hanging of 4 of the conspirators. Open your mind, and dive into this episode expecting to hear this story told like you have never heard before.  History class misses out on so much detail that is brought to you in this episode.  You will feel like you are there while all of this is taking place.  It is an emotional episode, so allow yourself to enter the mind of a citizen in the year 1865 and take a journey through the death of our 16th President and his assassins.
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Host: Christopher Gehrke
Facebook: Search my name or the podcast title
Twitter: Almost_Lost
Instagram: almostlosttohistory
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As always, thank you for listening and take care!