Almost Heretical

Almost Heretical

Latest Episodes

Exploring Religious Pluralism with Barbara Brown Taylor
May 11, 2022

Is there a way for Christianity to exist without rejecting other religions? Is the Bible actually against religious pluralism? What can we learn from people of other faiths to help us be better humans

Responding to Matt Chandler on people leaving church
April 27, 2022

What are pastors getting wrong about deconstruction? Do we need more grace for church abuse? Is there ever a good reason to leave church?

Responding to Matt Chandler on people leaving church
April 27, 2022

What are pastors getting wrong about deconstruction? Do we need more grace for church abuse? Is there ever a good reason to leave church?

104: Woman - Jesus, Paul and Mary Magdalene
April 06, 2022

Was Jesus a perfect example of how to treat women? Did Paul actually tell women to be silent in church? Why did Mary Magdalene disappear after the four gospels?

103: Woman - Sexual violence and God's silence
March 23, 2022

Why is the rate of sexual violence the same inside and outside the Church? Does God condone rape in the Old Testament? What has the Bible taught us about the value of women's bodies?

102: Woman - Silenced voices of the Bible
March 02, 2022

How can the Dead Sea Scrolls help us recover women's voices? What are the implications of women's voices making up 1% of the Bible? Was the first #MeToo movement really 2,000 years ago?

101: What Bible translation should I use? (Patreon Teaser)
February 23, 2022

Is there a translation of the Bible that most accurately reflects the original texts? What even are the original texts? Did Jesus actually say the words in red? Why do Bible translations have to be ap

100: Woman - Men wrote the Bible
February 09, 2022

What does it change knowing that the authors of the Bible were men? What about gender-neutral translations? Have we missed a foundational part of Jesus' gospel?

99: Woman - The Gender of God
January 20, 2022

Why do we call God "He"? What if Paul was wrong about women having authority over men? What do we lose by treating God like a single father?

98: Audrey Assad - Psychedelics, Christian Music and Parenting
April 28, 2021

What does it feel like to change your beliefs? What can we teach our children when we're not sure what we believe? Nate talks to Audrey Assad who was part of creating and then leaving the evangelical culture through conservative Christian music.