All Rise

Living on the Fringe of the Mob
Bonanno. Gambino. Colombo. Anyone familiar with the New York Mafia from the 1960s until the early 2000s will instantly recognize those notorious names.
E. Steven Sachs was the lone Jewish kid growing up in a rough-and-tumble Brooklyn neighborhood in the 1960s among neighbors and playmates who would become members of the NY organized crime families. Steve gives us the reality, not the romanticized Hollywood version, of being an outsider who nonetheless was intimately acquainted with and forged lifelong friendships with many New York mobsters.
The bedrock principles of these friendships were loyalty and trust, principles which Steve never broke. He was never asked to do anything illegal, nor did he ever commit any crime. He flourished in the meat packing industry for many years and at 82 years old decided to recount his riveting true story. He reached out to Joe O’Donnell, a writer whose book Deadly Codes was the basis for the star character, Gallagher, in the 2018 movie “Bent”. The result of their collaboration is the 2022 book, “Living on the Fringe of the Mob.”
Listen in as Joe and Steve tell us how they got together to create this sensational mob tell-all and what it was really like to live on the periphery of the mob.