All at Once

Season Two Trailer
Presenting Sponsor: Alan and Beth Stanfield, Stanfield Properties Support us monthly or give a one-time gift! Buy our merch! “For me, this is everything hard I’ve ever experienced in my life… all the trauma and conflict I’ve faced, materializing before my eyes and being put on display for all to see… and that’s hard for me.” -Kelly Browning Joining us in season two as a cohost is Sarah McDuffee. Check back here on September 22 for our first full episode of season two. Here’s our season two guest lineup, y’all! CAN YOU EVEN BELIEVE IT?! * Jason Porterfield, author of Fight Like Jesus* Mary Demuth, author of We Too* Wendy Scott, local preacher* Dr. Beth Allison Barr, author of The Making of Biblical Womanhood* Kelsey Golz, author of Refuse to be Silenced* Meghan Tschanz, author of Women Rising* Soraya Chemaly, author of Rage Becomes Her* David Bridges, pastor of Kelly’s local church* Janis Street, guest preacher and oil and gas executive Music written, produced, and performed by Kelly’s dear friend Kate Short. Piano accompaniment by Kate’s brother, and also Kelly’s dear friend, Brendan Short. Kate wrote this song in response to season one while also reading Searching for Sunday by Rachel Held Evans. Platinum Sponsor: Lary’s Designs Gold: Texan Bank and Funky Monkey, Friendswood Bronze Sponsor: Judy Wiggins, Allstate