All About Audiology - Hearing Resources to Empower YOU

All About Audiology - Hearing Resources to Empower YOU

All About Celebrating a 3rd Anniversary – Episode 82

January 23, 2022

Read the full transcript here

The All About Audiology Podcast is celebrating its third year anniversary. Dr. Saperstein has worked so hard on this self-started project and the podcast is celebrating this special milestone! Tune in for a compilation of audio recordings that past guests, that were featured on of the All About, sent in as part of a surprise gift that was made for Dr. Saperstein. If YOU as a listener have something to contribute and want to share a special message about how the podcast has influenced your life, please send audio recordings to!

How to send an audio recording to us:

1. Record your message. You can do so on your phone, on zoom,, through QuickTime, etc.

2. Attach saved audio file to an email

3. Title subject: message for Dr. S

4. Send email to

5. Have this in by our March 1st deadline!

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions

Podcast episodes of past guests who participated in this surprise initiative for Dr. Saperstein:

All About Ear Tubes- Episode 13 with Dr. Hadassah Kupfer

All About Sign Language – Episode 15 with Kimberly Sanzo

All About Cochlear Implants- Episode 17 with Valli Gideons

All About BAHA – with Abbi Perets Season 2: Episode 21

Do Cochlear Implants Work? Episode 25 with Dr. Lindsay Cockburn

All About Connecting – Episode 31 with MamaManon

All About Reverse-Slope Hearing Loss- Episode 49 with Natalia Popham

All About ASL at Home – Book Club! Episode 52 with Dr. Leah Zarchy and Razi Zarchy

All About Mindfulness -Episode 53 with Margo Helman

Episode 56 – All About Early Intervention: Speech and Language Development with Jenae Dunlop

All About Advocacy Organizations – Episode 59 with Oren Dvoskin and Damien Kelman, Bekol

All About the Importance of the Parent-Audiologist Relationship – Episode 61 with Janet DesGeorges

All About The Parent Journey – Episode 62 – with Liba Lurie

All About Supporting Parents – Episode 70 with Dr. Michelle Hu

All About Collaborating with Speech Language Pathologists – Episode 74- with Dr. Leah Beekman

All About The Stigma and Benefits of Hearing Aids – Episode 77 with Dr. Brian Taylor

All About Late-Onset/Late-Identified Hearing Loss — Episode 80 with Valerie James Abbott and Justin Osmond


Matt Feiler:

Hi Lilach! It is Matt, your editor for the All About Audiology Podcast. It has been such an amazing journey editing for you and hearing from the different guests that you bring on the show and learning more about audiology – a field I knew nothing about before I started editing with you. Well, I realized that your three year anniversary of the podcast is coming up, and I reached out to a bunch of guests – actually all of them, but I didn’t hear from all of them. But the ones that did they sent in a little bit of a note for you, a voice message. And I wanted to share this with you to celebrate your special milestone. You’re amazing and you really deserve this. And [it is amazing] to hear about the impact that you make on the guests and really how that impact I guess then turns into the impact on your listeners. So here are some familiar voices that want to wish you well. 


Today I watched Dr. Saperstein conduct another Hear Retreat. Every time I see her host, there’s a glow to her that is indescribable. You can see the passion in her eyes to serve and to help parents of deaf and hard of hearing children. She is emphatic, she knows what to say. But she also knows when to listen and that’s what makes her an amazing audiologist and parent coach. Dr. Saperstein, you’re changing the lives of so many people through the All About Audiology podcast, the Hear Retreat, and The Connect and Advocate program. I am so lucky to be on your team and to be learning from you. Happy anniversary to the All About Audiology podcast.

Hadasah Kupfer:

Hey Lilach. It’s Hadassah Kupfer. [I] just wanted to wish you a huge congratulations on three years of awesome podcast work. You’ve always been so talented between your YouTube channel, your blog, and very inspirational with your big move to Israel. We’re all so proud of you. Thank you so much for having me on your podcast way back when. It’s unbelievable how amazing the podcast has grown. So just keep up the fantastic work. We’re all rooting for you and we can’t wait to see where things continue to head. Take care, all the best, and Happy New Year.

Kim Sanzo:

Hi Lilach! It’s Kim Sanzo. Congratulations on three years. I can’t believe that I was one of the first episodes that you’ve ever had on your podcast. You’ve done a really amazing job with it, and I hope that it continues to be really successful. Congratulations.

Valli Gideons: 

Hey Dr. S, it’s Valli Giedeons from My Battle Call. I just wanted to congratulate you on three years of amazing podcasting. What an accomplishment. I was so honored to be a guest on your show. I am just so proud of the work you’re doing to make the lives of those in the deaf and Hard of Hearing community better, more inclusive, more tolerant, more educated. Thanks so much. You’re just so great. I look forward to more chances to collaborate in the future. Cheers.

Abbi Perets:

Hey, Lilach, it’s Abbi Perets. First of all, congratulations on three years of your amazing podcast. That’s absolutely wonderful. Second of all, thank you for having me on [the podcast as a guest]. And in general for being such an amazing human who holds space for parents and children and educators and professionals in such an amazing way. Thank you personally for all the help that you’ve given me with my own son and my journey. Thank you for the professional support you offered me over the years. And I’m just so excited to see all the things that you’re doing, and I wish you many years of continued success and excellence.

Lindsay Cockburn:

Congrats on three years, Dr. Saperstein. That is amazing. So incredible. Your podcast is just such a treasure. You share conversations with the most incredible people. I love how you always offer a huge variety of perspectives from all different kinds of people. I learn so much from you, and I am just so in awe that you’ve come this far. I know how much work it takes to be on social media and to post this much. So congrats for all of your hard work, and I hope that you’ve got some more years in you. Take care, congrats!


Hello beautiful. Mama Manon here. I want to celebrate these three years of podcast with you. I think you’re doing wonderful work for the world. And it’s been a real pleasure to be on your podcast, and get to meet you, and to spend this hour with you. Sending you a big big hug. And yeah, congratulations. Lots of love. Bye.

Natalia Popham:

Hi! This is Natalia. Thank you for having me on the podcast. It has been so much fun getting to speak with you and learn from both you and all the people that have been on your podcast. I really appreciate what you’re doing. I think it’s doing a lot of good. And I think I’m not the only one who just really appreciates the work you’re doing and hopes [that] you continue to do great. Great job. Thank you.

Dr. Leah Zarchy and Razi Zarchy (via sign language):

Wow, 3 years! Mazel Tov Lilach. Yay!

Watch video here

Margo Helman:

Hey Lilach! Mazel Tov. What an amazing milestone. This is Margo Hellman, and I’m so happy to have been on your podcast. And you do such wonderful work [by] bringing so much good to families and to people that need you. And keep giving from your heart. I’m so glad to know that you’re in the world giving what you’re giving.

Jenae Dunlop:

Hi Dr. Saperstein. This is Jenae Dunlop, pediatric speech language pathologist in Canada. I want to send you a big congrats on your three year anniversary. What a milestone. It was such an honor to be a guest on All About Audiology in 2021. And I wish you all the best moving forward in 2022.

Oren Dvoskin:

Hello Dr. Silverstein, Lilach! This is Oren Dvoskin from Israel. Thanks for hosting me on your podcast, All About Audiology. It was a pleasure participating as an Adult CI Recipient. It’s extremely important to share my story and experiences [in order] to inspire and to encourage others to take that path. And especially since we had Damian and Bekol, The Hearing Impaired Organization to talk about the importance of advocacy organizations. See, it’s not just about the technology or the recipient or the caretakers – it’s also about the support organizations, the interaction, and the synergy between them. That’s what truly leads to success. So I was thrilled to hear you’re completing three years on the podcast. I’m sure you’ll be doing great things in the future. Behatzlacha, and all the best!

Janet DesGeorges:

Hi. This is Janet DesGeorges with Hands and Voice, a former guest of Dr. Saperstein’s on her podcast. I’d love to congratulate you on your three year anniversary of your podcasts. Thank you for all the hard work you’re doing and all the support you give to families of kids who are deaf and Hard of Hearing. Congratulations.

Liba Lurie:

Hi Lilach! Liba here. I want to wish you a very hearty congratulations on all of your success with your podcast, and I’m so grateful that I got to be a guest on your show. What an amazing experience. Thank you so much. Keep up the great work. All the best.

Dr. Michelle Hu:

Hey Lilach, this is Michelle Hu. Happy happy happy third year anniversary to your amazing podcast. Thank you so much for having me on as a guest. I’m honored, and I had so much fun. It really felt like two longtime friends catching up. As a pediatric audiologist and as a mama, the All About Audiology podcast is such an incredible resource for parents and their families. I’m so glad that I met you, I had so much fun with you, and I hope to get to hang out again with you soon. Bye.

Dr. Leah Beekman:

Hi, this is Leah Beekman. Congrats and thanks for having me on your podcast. It was such a great experience. Many wishes to you and your podcast moving forward.

Dr. Brian Taylor:

Hi, this is Brian Taylor. Congratulations, Dr. Saperstein on the three year anniversary of your podcast All About Audiology. I have to tell you that it was a great pleasure and privilege for me to be on your podcast in 2021. I wish you all the best in the future, and have a great 2022. Happy Anniversary again. Brian Taylor.

Valerie James Abbott:

Hello Dr. Saperstein. This is Valerie James Abbott, author of Padapillow pillow, and I just wanted to congratulate you and your podcast on an exciting anniversary. Thank you so much for having me join you. I love the experience. It was so much fun, and I wish you the very very best in 2022 as you move forward with your amazing, amazing podcast.

Matt Feiler:

Hi! Thank you for tuning in! We appreciate your listenership and being part of our podcast community. 

You heard from past guests and now we want to hear from YOU!

Please share how the podcast has inspired you and what type of impact it has made to your life story or the lifestyle of a loved one. All you need to do is record a voice note with your testimony and attach it to an email. 

My email appears in the Show notes. Thus, please send a voice note message to Dr. Lilach by emailing

Please send in voice notes by March 1st.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you soon!

The post All About Celebrating a 3rd Anniversary – Episode 82 appeared first on All About Audiology.