All About Audiology - Hearing Resources to Empower YOU

All About Audiology - Hearing Resources to Empower YOU

All About The Parent Journey – Episode 62 – with Liba Lurie

March 01, 2021

Read the full transcript here

Liba Lurie is a parent, psychologist, and creator of the 5 Step Framework to Stop Reacting and Start Responding to Your Kids. 

In today’s episode, she tells the story of how her son was diagnosed with hearing loss, and explains why it’s so important for children to have parents who remember to look after themselves, too. 

This week on the All About Audiology podcast:  

* 1:49 – Liba’s son’s kindergarten teacher brought to her attention that her son was having some difficulty with pronunciation. A hearing test revealed that he was struggling due to hearing loss. 

* 5:49 – It can be hard to pinpoint mild hearing loss since it can sometimes be mistaken for something else, such as behavioral issues. This may cause it to go undiagnosed for a long time.

* 7:14 – As one of the 5 senses, hearing plays a huge role in processing the information we receive from the outside world. For those who can’t hear, it can sometimes feel like they are living in a different reality.

* 9:37 – Liba had two positive experiences that helped her to better understand her son’s hearing loss: the explanation given to her by the person who did her son’s hearing assessment, and the simulation shown to her by his audiologist.

* 15:57 – It’s important for parents to take care of themselves, too. Not doing so can have a negative impact on the connection and relationship they have with their children.

* 17:09 – Sometimes, emotions can be conflicting. When Liba found out her son wouldn’t be able to serve in the Israeli Army due to his hearing loss, she was relieved he would never be in combat. However, there was also a sense of grief that came with the knowledge that he wouldn’t be able to serve his country.

* 22:17 – It can be easy to become overcome by guilt, and wonder if as a parent you did something wrong to cause your child’s diagnosis—but you did not! Grief is a process that you must move through in order to eventually reach a point of acceptance.

* 25:35 – There are many resources that can help families after a diagnosis is received. Parents deserve to have support, and children deserve to have parents who feel safe and secure enough to guide them through life.

* 36:20 – It’s important to have support from family and friends, but they aren’t always the best person to reach out to when you need help. Speaking to a therapist can be a great option.

* 42:02 – There are times where you might receive resistance from people in your life who don’t understand the decisions you are making for your child. You may not be able to control the words or actions of others, but you CAN control your response.

* 46:48 – Knowing what your goals are for the future are important in being able to make difficult decisions in the present moment. Sometimes a decision that feels inconvenient, such as switching doctors or schools, will push you towards your end goal. 

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