All About Audiology - Hearing Resources to Empower YOU

All About Audiology - Hearing Resources to Empower YOU

All About Advocacy Organizations – Episode 59 with Oren Dvoskin and Damien Kelman, Bekol

January 20, 2021

Read the full transcript here

On today’s episode of All About Audiology, I’m joined by two very special guests: Oren Dvoskin, a bi-lateral cochlear implant user and member of Bekol, a non-profit organization for the hearing impaired here in Israel, as well as Damian Kelman, Bekol’s CEO.

This week on the All About Audiology podcast: 

* 1:27 – A hearing test in junior high revealed that Oren had mild hearing loss. By high school, this had progressed and he started using hearing aids. 

* 4:45 – Even a mild case of hearing loss can have a huge impact on how a person functions. This can affect their lives socially and academically in many different ways. 

* 8:08 – Around the age of 30, Oren was refused an assessment for cochlear implants as his hearing was considered “too good”. Nowadays, cochlear implants are known to be beneficial for patients with various levels of hearing loss. 

* 10:15 – Damian is welcomed to the call, and advises that approximately 700,000 Israelis are currently coping with hearing loss. 

* 11:22 – For over two decades, Bekol has been promoting optimal hearing rehabilitation for those with hearing loss. This includes empowering them, improving their quality of life, and helping to facilitate their integration into general society.

* 15:26 – Becoming a member of Bekol allowed Oren to socialize with other people with hearing impairments for the first time. Being a member also contributed to his making friends and leading a full social life. 

* 17:39 – Oren paid for his first cochlear implant himself, but due to Bekol’s advocacy to improve legislation, his second implant was paid for by the Israeli healthcare system.

* 21:13 – Don’t let fear or embarrassment hold you back from receiving services that will help you to succeed in your life/education/work. Use every resource that you are entitled to because that’s what they are there for!

* 25:13 – People must be able to fulfill their potential and live life the way they choose to. That is why Bekol fights for accessibility and equal opportunities for deaf and hard of hearing people. 

* 29:37 – Everyone’s experience with hearing loss is unique. It’s important to know what different treatment options are available to you so that you can make the choice that is right for you and your family.

* 32:27 – One of the things that are so unique about Bekol, is that it was founded and managed by hearing-impaired individuals. 

* 35:02 – Like many other organizations, Bekol has felt the financial impact of the global pandemic. They have launched a crowdfunding campaign, to help them adapt their programs and services to the “new normal”.

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