All About Audiology - Hearing Resources to Empower YOU

All About Audiology - Hearing Resources to Empower YOU

Episode 56 – All About Early Intervention: Speech and Language Development

December 03, 2020

Read the full transcript here

As parents, we’ve all heard at some point that each child is  unique and will reach milestones at their own pace. Because of this, we might second guess ourselves when we feel that something is going on that warrants further investigation. 

Today I am speaking with Jenae Dunlop, a children’s Speech and Language Pathologist from Canada. Jenae is passionate about educating parents on the importance of early intervention, and letting them know that it’s ok to seek help if a delay is suspected.

This week on the All About Audiology podcast: 

* 1:41 – As a child, Jenae struggled with speech and language delays. Parent implemented intervention, as well as speech and language therapy from an early age, helped her to overcome these struggles.

* 7:38 – If, as a parent, your concerns are being dismissed by other parents or medical professionals, listen to your instinct and keep investigating. Don’t take no for an answer!

* 12:02 – Children are naturally motivated to communicate. Therefore, if you find that an older sibling is doing most of the talking for your child, it could be because they are struggling to communicate on their own. 

* 13:34 – When communicating with your child, try the “Waiting Strategy”. Make a comment, then count to 10 in your head. This gives your child a chance to respond, without feeling overwhelmed. 

* 16:40 – Another strategy worth trying is to slowly offer bits of food or toys to your child, and then wait for them to ask or show you that they want more. This is known as “Communication Temptation.”

* 17:59 – Depending on your location and eligibility, it may be possible for your child to receive services at little to no cost. Just remember that even if your child doesn’t qualify for free services, you can still access help.

* 20:18 – Some parents worry that exposure to more than one language at home is to blame for the delays their children are experiencing. Research shows, however, that exposure to 2 or more languages is positive for the developing brain. 

* 25:32 – The “Combination Approach” gives children the choice of either signing to communicate, or referring to a picture. This will not have a detrimental effect on a child’s verbal development, in fact, it will help facilitate it.

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