All About Audiology - Hearing Resources to Empower YOU

All About Audiology - Hearing Resources to Empower YOU

All About Therapy w/ Family Physician Dr. Yona Saperstein- Episode 50 – Season 4 Wrap-Up

September 22, 2020

Read the full transcript here

As parents, you go to the ends of the earth to make sure your child has all of the services they need – but what are you doing to care for yourself at the same time?

Today I’m joined by my husband, family physician Dr. Yona Saperstein. Throughout the episode, we chat about the importance of seeking help when you find yourself facing mental health issues and why the stigma surrounding therapy should be a thing of the past.

This week on All About Audiology:

* 3:53 – Yona tells a story of a patient he spoke with recently who had been feeling depressed and anxious for months. He asked to be referred to a psychologist for therapy. Yona told him how brave it was to ask for help, and that therapy was a great treatment for someone experiencing these feelings.

* 7:00 – Therapy isn’t the only way to process these feelings and move forward, but speaking with someone who is trained to listen and help you come up with coping strategies can be really helpful. 

* 10:44 – No one is perfect. Everyone has their own issues and challenges, and it would be great if more people could help break the stigma surrounding therapy. We shouldn’t talk about someone needing help as if it’s a bad thing.

* 11:18 – A therapist is someone who is really good at listening, reflecting, and understanding the client. Making a person feel understood when they have been feeling like no one “gets” them, can be an amazing benefit in itself.  

* 13:10 – Therapy is a slow process and a person won’t get all of their issues resolved in one or two sessions. Not everyone is ready for therapy, and someone has to be ready to open themselves up in order for it to be successful.

* 14:20 – Trauma can sometimes show up as physical symptoms. Yona had a patient with persistent eczema who had first started having symptoms ten years ago after a death in the family. 

* 17:05 – Protein shakes and pills – do they work?? Anytime you are going to invest in health products that you see advertised in store or online, it’s important to do some research to find out if the product has been through any clinical trials.

* 20:51- When considering therapy, think of the long-term goal. Bringing up feelings that you have kept inside for a long time might feel uncomfortable, but it can help to make a person stronger and healthier. 

* 22:23 – We all do a lot to care for others, but we need to remember to take care of ourselves too! There are many ways to do this, but therapy can be a very powerful tool.

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Mentioned in this episode:

Married To Doctors Podcast – Episode Featuring Lilach and Yona

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