All About Audiology - Hearing Resources to Empower YOU

All About Audiology - Hearing Resources to Empower YOU

All About Unilateral Hearing Loss-Episode 48 with Jacquelyn Briggs- All About You

September 06, 2020

Welcome back to the All About Audiology podcast. I’m your host, Dr. Lilach Saperstein. I’m an audiologist, speaker and parent coach. And on this podcast we talk about the personal, everyday experiences of people connected to audiology. We hear from parents who share their experience of their child having hearing loss. [We also hear] from professionals in various fields with expert advice and wisdom on the everyday challenges and opportunities that we have for communicating and connecting to our children, to our patients, and to our students.

Way back in Episode 18 of the podcast, we had Chloe Tompkins as a guest and she talked about how she incorporates American Sign Language into her music classes in order to make the classes fun and accessible and inclusive for children of all hearing abilities and using different modalities.

And today’s guest is Jacquelyn Briggs. So, Chloe introduced us. And I cannot wait for you to hear Jacquelyn’s inspiring words. She’s also a teacher, and she has a very personal experience with hearing loss to share. And I’m gonna let her tell it.

So, just before I play that amazing interview for you, I want to remind you that you are the most important part of the All About Audiology community, the listeners. Thank you for sharing the show. And thank you for your comments, and your questions. Absolutely come and connect with me over on Instagram and on Facebook. And if you want to be a guest on the show, or nominate a guest on the show, feel free to reach out to me and we will continue to spread hope and self-efficacy and confidence in the world.

So, welcome Jacquelyn, and thank you for listening.

Dr. Lilach Saperstein: “Welcome back to the All About Audiology podcast. I’m your host, Dr. Lilach Saperstein. Music is just one of those amazing things that we all enjoy in our life that we have as part of our experience. And today I’d like to dive in to music and how we can use music when we’re educating deaf and hard of hearing children. And my special guest today is Jacquelyn Briggs, who is a music teacher and a teacher of the deaf at the Clark School for the Deaf in New York, and Jacquelyn is going to share her personal story with hearing loss as well. So, welcome to the show, Jacquelyn, how are you?”

Jacquelyn Briggs: “Great. Thank you so much for having me. It’s great to be here.”

LS: “I’m so excited for you to share your story and come on the show. And first of all, to give a quick background to how we’ve connected is that way back in Episode 18 of the podcast, we had a very wonderful guest Chloe Tompkins, and she also is doing music education and also shared her journey with hearing loss. And that’s how I connected with Jacquelyn. So, go and listen to Episode 18 to hear Chloe’s story, but I’m so excited to learn more about your journey. Where do you want to start?”

JB: “There’s so many things we could start with. I mean, I met Chloe probably two years ago, I can’t remember now at a deaf music event. That’s how we met.
