All About Audiology - Hearing Resources to Empower YOU

All About Audiology - Hearing Resources to Empower YOU

Episode 42 – All About YOU! Office Hours starting July 1, 2020

June 26, 2020


Welcome back to the All About Audiology podcast. I’m your host, Dr. Lilach Saperstein. I’m so excited to be having a very, very special guest today.

Dr. Saperstein: “Why don’t you introduce yourself? Welcome to the show!”

Ra’ananit: “I’m a little shy.”

LS: “You’re a little shy. That’s okay.”

Ra’ananit: “My name is Ra’ananit.”

LS: “How old are you?”

R: “Six.”

LS: “And how do you know me?”

R: “Because you’re my mommy.”

LS: “Oh, hello there. Welcome to my delightful, six year old, delicious daughter, who wanted to be on the podcast. Because what do you see me doing all the time?”

R: “Hmmm.”

LS: “Recording.”

R: “Yeah.”

LS: “Editing.”

R: “Your podcast.”

LS: “Yeah. Now the reason I wanted to bring you on here today is because you were not in school for a little while, right? How come you had such a long vacation when you were home with Ima (Hebrew for mother)?

R: “Because of Corona.”

LS: “Because of Corona, that’s right. We were home from march 15th all the way through the end of May and then school started up again. And then what happened?”

R: “A boy from my school’s Abba (Hebrew for father) came to, um, take pictures early of his son, and he went in with no mask, is my guess. And if he got Corona from his dad, that’s why I’m home right now.”

LS: “So, one of the fathers in your class tested positive for Corona. Because he dropped off his son and he was in school, then now the school is closed until they can test the children of the family and then they will decide if the school can open again. That’s why we are home and we decided to do a podcast. So, here we go.

I have some questions for you. What do you think is the coolest thing about ears?”

R: “That they can hear.”

LS: “How do they work?”

R: “First, when you hear a song, it hits your eardrum and then you get um, three, three bones, I forgot what they’re called. And if it’s too loud, they have to make it softer and if it’s too soft, they have to make it louder. What I remember that’s next is, um, lots of hair and when the hair hears something, they like change color and are like weee, back dancing. The signal that goes to the brain and then the brain helps you hear.”

LS: “Wow, you really know a lot about ears. So, let me ask you something. Do you think it’s really important to study together with other kids in your class or do you just like want one on one with Ima at home, or both?”

R: “Ummm, I don’t get it.”

LS: “Like, what’s better? Being in class with all your friends and learning together as a group...
