All About Audiology - Hearing Resources to Empower YOU

All About Audiology - Hearing Resources to Empower YOU

All About YOU! – Episode 36

April 22, 2020

Welcome back to the All About Audiology podcast. I’m your host, Dr. Lilach Saperstein. And this is Episode 36, the All About YOU! episode.

The last episode, Episode 35 was all about tinnitus with Dr. Kelly Dyson sharing so many great tips and a lot of information about how we diagnose tinnitus, ringing in the ears, and how we can treat it and help people cope and manage when they have tinnitus. And as you guys know, the All About YOU episode is where I come in and see how did the previous episode land with you guys? What were some of your takeaways things that you learned? And some follow up questions that you had.

I received one comment from a longtime listener, a big fan of the show, and she was so excited about this episode. She said,

“Now I get it. We’ve just come back from a long visit with my mother in law who has tinnitus and is struggling so much. She was so irritable and annoyed with the tinnitus. It was hard for her to focus, play with the kids and she would get tired very easily. Listening to your podcast gave me explanations, and I was able to understand a little bit of what she’s going through. I also like that you mentioned about the supplements, because she had recently purchased one of these kinds of supplements that said on the bottle, ‘You will only see results after three months.’ But there was only one month’s worth in the bottle. It seemed like a scam to me. I also loved the idea of doing yoga with the yoga video that Dr. Kelly mentioned. And I sent my mother in law the link. Thank you so much, Dr. Saperstein, for your podcast and all that you do.”

And thank you for sending in such a nice comment!!! And I’m so glad that we’re able to spread the message of the podcast, the experts that we’re bringing on the show, and the topics that we cover here can apply to lots of people that you know. And I’d like to ask you a big favor, which is the next time you’re talking to someone and they tell you their child is getting tube surgery, how about sending them a link to Episode 13, all about tube surgery? Or if someone asks a question about tinnitus, you can absolutely tag me but if you send a link to this episode, they’ll have all the information and tips that we’ve talked about. And that way you can help your friends and family out. Whenever there’s a question or something that comes up, you’ll be the one to point them in the right direction, to the heart centered information that you can find on this podcast.

One of the things Dr. Dyson @thetinnitusdoctor mentioned in the episode was that she had had tinnitus as a child and didn’t really realize that it was tinnitus because she just thought it was normal. And we had another listener write in on Instagram, she sent me a DM on Instagram @allaboutaudiology podcasts. You can always DM me there. I check all my DMs. She wrote,

“The tinnitus episode was so interesting. I’ve had it probably my whole life but didn’t know it isn’t something everyone experiences until I was an adult. I remember asking my mom as a young child, what was making that sound in a silent room,
