All About Audiology - Hearing Resources to Empower YOU

All About Audiology - Hearing Resources to Empower YOU

All About YOU! Episode 30- Season 2 Wrap-Up

January 27, 2020

Welcome back to the All About Audiology podcast. I’m your host, Dr. Lilach Saperstein, even if I sound a little different with my cold right now.

Today is Episode 30, we are wrapping up Season 2, because I have arbitrarily decided that every ten episodes is a season. It is also a new year, 2020. We have a lot of exciting things coming up for Season 3. I am so looking forward to getting out that tinnitus episode for you guys, and an episode on vestibular and balance disorders. Those are coming soon!

I also want to continue taking suggestions from you guys. You can send me an Instagram message or on Facebook or through my website, You can absolutely put in requests. A lot of the episodes have come from requests from you guys. One of the biggest things that has come out from listening to what you guys are asking for, is talking more about the role of the parent and how our parenting is affected, challenged, changed by having a child with hearing loss or a child with any kind of special need or a child that requires more medical type of appointments. How to balance being the advocate, being the parent, dealing with your own emotions. That is a big theme that has emerged. It has always been here since the beginning but it’s really gotten stronger. We are going to continue along that line with a very exciting episode that I have coming up pretty soon. There’s also another episode in Season 3 with a Somatic experiencing parenting coach. So, if you are interested in that, definitely look out for the episode with Mama Manon, that is her specialty.

Anyway, if you are on Instagram, you can have all of these behind the scene updates because I story almost every day @allaboutaudiology podcast. I also have an episode ready and prepared about audiology equipment and I think this one will be very interesting to our audiology student listeners, where I discussed with an expert on the equipment that we use for audiological testing and I think it’s a very important and interesting way to understand why audiologists can do what they do. How do we write the reports and how do we get to the decision if the child can hear or not and what kind of hearing they have. I think you are going to love that episode with Julie Renshaw who is an expert on equipment. So, that episode is also going to be coming out in Season 3!!!!

To take a quick look back in Season 2, we started with an episode on BAHA (Bone Anchored Hearing Aids) and I interviewed Abby Perets, an amazing mom. She shared the story of her son who has microtia. She also gave us a lot of a context of the family in what was going on with another son who was diagnosed with leukemia. We really got to hear her story. She shared so much of her wisdom, so much of her experience and one of the things I love that sticks out to me from speaking to her is her sense of humor, her sarcasm, and her straight way of saying, ‘No one is looking at your kid, you’re the only one who is obsessed with them. Everyone else is not caring.’ Sometimes people don’t even notice that he has devices and they don’t even notice that he has microtia. I really enjoyed speaking with Abbi.
