All About Audiology - Hearing Resources to Empower YOU

All About Audiology - Hearing Resources to Empower YOU

All About Speech Therapy – Episode 19

June 16, 2019

Welcome back to the All About Audiology podcast. I’m your host Dr. Lilach Saperstein and on this week’s episode today we are going to be discussing speech therapy and how audiologists and speech therapists work together. if you are a student of audiology or speech pathology, welcome to the podcast. We have a lot of exciting tips in here for you.

Before we jump into my interview with today’s guest, I want to tell you about something I’ve been working on for YOU. Something that I think is going to help a lot of parents of children with hearing loss, who are overwhelmed. Wherever you are along the process, I hear from so many of you that sometimes you just don’t know what to do next, or which professionals you should be talking to, or which appointments you should be making next, or how to keep organized all the different things that you have to do and all the things that come with having a child with hearing loss.

So whether you have just gotten a diagnosis and you’re in that state, where there is so much to do, it can be hard to know what to do first or what to do next, so this is the guide for you. It’s a five step guide to navigating your child’s hearing loss, it’s a PDF and you can download it for free at All you have to do is put in your email address and the guide will be sent straight to you. You’ll also be added to the mailing list to get updates about the podcast, but if you want, you can unsubscribe and that’s totally fine if you just want to get the guide.

It’s something that I’ve seen so many parents go through the process of getting a diagnosis and then years in still dealing with so many questions. Being pulled in so many different directions and being able to define what are the questions that you have. So I created the guide because I really wanted to help as many parents as possible. So if you can use that, head over to The link will also be in the show notes of this episode. And if you know someone who can benefit from it, please send it to them. Please help to spread the word. In my experience as an educational audiologist, working with many patients and many parents, I’ve seen that getting clear on what you know and what you don’t know yet or what you want to know or need to know, getting the distinction between what is known and what is unknown, helps you know what to do next.

Now we are going to jump in to the episode with a very interesting guest whose name is MariLouise Nichols. She’s a speech language pathologist who graduated from Purdue University and she works in adult in-patient rehab and acute care in Texas. We had a really interesting conversation that you are about to hear all about various areas that SLPs can be involved in, not just lisps or any kind of articulation disorder that you might be thinking about. So I wanted to spotlight my colleagues and talk more about the importance of speech pathology. So let’s just jump right into that interview. I remind you that I am always looking forward to your comments, questions and I can be reached at and on Instagram @allaboutaudiology podcast. I check all of my DMs. So I can’t wait to hear what you think of this interview. Let’s get it started!

Welcome back to the all about audiology podcast. Today I have a very special guest with us. MariLouise Nichols who is a speech language pathologist,
