All About Audiology - Hearing Resources to Empower YOU

All About Audiology - Hearing Resources to Empower YOU

All About You- Episode 12 [your voices and an interview with my sister]

April 10, 2019


Welcome to the All About Audiology Podcast -episode 12, that’s all about you! I’m your host Dr. Lilach Saperstein and in this episode I’m featuring some of your voices, my listeners.

Ever since I launched the podcast about two months ago I really wanted to get your voices and your experiences involved with the show. So today, I have some voice recordings that were sent to me by listeners,

and a special interview with my sister.

Before I jump into those recordings, I do want to let you know that if you haven’t downloaded the hearing aid checklist yet, head on over to the website or find me on instagram @allaboutaudiologypodcast to get your hands on the checklist. It’s a one page pdf printable that has on it a morning routine checklist and an evening routine checklist for caring for your child’s hearing aids. (Click).

You can also join the facebook group to be the first one to know when I have more free printables available. And that’s All About Audiology podcast on facebook.

We’re going to jump right in to hear two responses that were sent in as voice memos. You can do that through the contact page at or dm me on instagram or facebook to send your voice memo responses and they might be included in a future episode.

“Hey Dr. Saperstein, This is Riki from Florida.I recently had my fourth child and this was the first time that I got to experience the newborn hearing screening in the hospital. It was very easy, very quick, and painless. The baby didn’t feel a thing. The only problem that we ran into was that the babies around in the nursery were all crying. So the machine was reading incorrect results. But, I was very happy to see that the nurse knew what she was doing, waited for them to calm down and tried again. I’m happy to see that the hospitals are doing what they’re supposed to do and doing a really great job at it. “

“Hi, my name is Peri and I’m from Israel. My son was born at 36 weeks and was considered a late term premie. His first hearing test, he failed. His second hearing test at the hospital, he failed. And then they took him for a special test the last day we were in the hospital and he did pass. It was very reassuring being able to have those tests done given that I’m hearing impaired. So it was nice to know that at least he did have hearing at the end. And if he didn’t at least we knew what direction to head in.”

“Hi, This is Bat-Chen. I am Dr. Lilach’s sister.”

LS: My big sister, let’s not forget.

B: I am the big sister. I’m also the coolest one.

LS: Wait wait wait. Ok, so in case you get confused by our voices-

B: Which is so expected, because everybody says we sound alike-

LS: -then you just have to listen to the gravitas in my voice [laugh] and then you’ll know it’s me. [both laugh] Ok, so Bat-Chen, you have a number of children and you had most of them in hospitals- not all of them though- so tell us about your experience,
