All You Need Is Vice

All You Need Is Vice

Latest Episodes

Ep 10: Give a Little, Take a Little
December 24, 2016

It's a Hanumass miracle! Join us for a deep dive into middle school Spanish class, love on roller skates, fair use of informants, and an ...

Ep 10: Give a Little, Take a Little
December 24, 2016

It's a Hanumass miracle! Join us for a deep dive into middle school Spanish class, love on roller skates, fair use of informants, and an array of Elvises. (Elvi? Elvs?) All this and more, in Episode

Ep 9: Glades
July 07, 2016

Join Crockett and Tubbs on an inexcusably boring outing in the swamp involving zero alligators and banjos! Can Clem and his blunderbuss save the episode? (Spoiler: no.) Is a dollhouse the best prop for planning a rescue mission? Did Sonny Claus bring any.

Ep 9: Glades
July 07, 2016

Join Crockett and Tubbs on an inexcusably boring outing in the swamp involving zero alligators and banjos! Can Clem and his blunderbuss save the episode? ...

Ep 8: The Great McCarthy
May 27, 2016

Better late than never, we bring you boats, boats, and more boats. You can also enjoy satin, fizzled threesomes, someone's cousin's band, mandatory pastels, and the worst Miami Vice sex scene ever (so far).

Ep 8: The Great McCarthy
May 27, 2016

Better late than never, we bring you boats, boats, and more boats. You can also enjoy satin, fizzled threesomes, someone's cousin's band, mandatory pastels, and ...

Ep 7: No Exit
March 21, 2016

This week, Tubbs takes on machine guns, and we take on the worst perm, alligator steam boxes, cringeworthy misuses of Teddy Pendergrass, and close encounters in the Miami-Dade airport men's room. Guest starring TV fledgling Bruce Willis, who notably fail.

Ep 7: No Exit
March 21, 2016

This week, Tubbs takes on machine guns, and we take on the worst perm, alligator steam boxes, cringeworthy misuses of Teddy Pendergrass, and close encounters ...

Ep 6: One Eyed Jack
February 08, 2016

Plot returns more or less triumphant as Crockett and Tubbs struggle with gambling kingpins, internal affairs investigations, and the withering glare of Edward James Olmos, while ...

Ep 6: One Eyed Jack
February 08, 2016

Plot returns more or less triumphant as Crockett and Tubbs struggle with gambling kingpins, internal affairs investigations, and the withering glare of Edward James Olmos, while we struggle with not giggling every time we say "cock fight."Say, what's tha.