All Things SimpleREV: A Community of Simplicity

All Things SimpleREV: A Community of Simplicity

An Interview with Productivityist, Mike Vardy – ATSR005

June 04, 2014

You're in for a treat! We had the chance to chat with none other than Mike Vardy, Productivityist extraordinaire.

Mike writes about task management, workflows, and effectiveness, but he's a simplifier at heart. He’s also a writer, speaker, podcaster and productivity specialist (or "productivityist" as he calls it).

Best of all, Mike will be joining us at SimpleREV as a workshop leader!

While we didn't have long enough to find the answer to the meaning of life, we did have Mike answer a few critical questions. Here's a sampling:

* How can we "use the app within?"
* In your TEDx talk, How To Stop Time, you state that people can become more productive by making a mindset shift from time to task. How do people make that mindset shift?
* In your book, The Front Nine, you explore the question, "Why are we so bad at following through with the projects we think are important?" What tips can you offer to help folks with their follow through?
* What advice, warnings, or examples would you share with someone who’s trying to simplify their daily work routine or habits?
* What's the difference between doing productivity and being productive?

Be sure to check out Mike's talk " How to Stop Time" from TEDxVictoria 2013.

And for a Vardy gem, check this out:
The brain is like a factory, not a warehouse. The less you have inside of it, the more you can do. - Mike Vardy
[Tweet That]

We had a few lag issues with our Google+ audio while recording, so our apologies for the "less than pristine" audio for this episode. We contacted Google and they promised to give us a full refund ;)
Show Us What Simple Living Means to You
Dan and I have been jazzed about this project for months. And now?

It's a reality.

We know people want to help our SimpleREV mission with more than just listening to podcast episodes, engaging on social media, and attending SimpleREV 2014.

That's where "What Simple Living Means to Me" comes in.

We know you're creative, too. We know you can inspire and motivate your fellow simplicity enthusiasts. So send us an original video or picture of your unique version of simple. We can't wait to see it and share it!
SimpleREV Specifics
Mark your calendars for SimpleREV on October 3-4, 2014 in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the University of St. Thomas downtown campus. 200+ people, all passionate about simplicity, will be there ... and we want you there too!

If you want to get super deep into simple living, you can get involved by:

* Leading a workshop. Just read the FAQ first, and then submit your proposal here.
* Attending. As of publishing this podcast episode in early-June 2014, there are still some discounted tickets. Your tickets are right here.
* Joining the newsletter. This is as insider as it gets. Subscribe to our email list.

If you want to reach us, you can send an email to or Also, say "Hi!" on Twitter @simple_rev or join us on Facebook at SimpleREV.

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