Project Redemption

Project Redemption

How To Live With Your Eyes On Eternity

June 07, 2023

Today on the Project Redemption Podcast, Johnna Hensley shares how her son’s diagnosis allowed her to experience the sovereignty of God.

Johnna (pronounced John-NUH) is an author, blogger, and all-time coordinator of chaos. Managing her family of eight, built through biology and adoption, means there’s rarely a dull moment in her days. Through her writing, she boldly shares the eternal hope and restoration heaven offers. She and Ryan, her husband of eighteen years, reside in the suburbs of Dallas, Texas and are avid supports of foster care, adoption, and disability awareness and advocacy as each has impacted their family. When the chaos subsides, you’ll find Johnna spending time outdoors, enjoying an early morning workout, or on the patio of a Tex-Mex restaurant with friends.

What is your favorite scripture / lifetime verse (and why)
Matthew 7:24-25 “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.” This is my favorite verse because the rain WILL fall and the floods WILL come and the winds WILL blow, but we need to be founded on the rock BEFORE that happens. Standing firm on Jesus is the only way to survive the storms of this world!

What should have broken me, healed me.

Johnna Hensley

Check out Johnna’s book Reckless Yes: Exchanging Worldly Ease for God’s Eternal Adventure
clicking here.

Connect with Johnna Hensley:

Instagram: Johnna.Hensley 

Facebook: Johnna Hensley, Christian Author 

TikTok: @johnnahensley 


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Johnna Hensley, Athena Holtz, Christian podcast, Christian authors, christian publishing, christian publisher, Athena Dean Holtz, christian podcasts, christian testimony, Jesus testimonies, Jesus testimony,