Project Redemption

Project Redemption

Discover The Power Of Storytelling To Convey Biblical Truths

August 23, 2023

Looking for a powerful way to share the gospel? Join us today as we dive into Michael Merker’s remarkable journey in using theater to bring Biblical truths alive and discover profound lessons that await us all.

Michael Merker has both a bachelor’s and a master’s of fine arts (BFA/MFA) in acting and directing, from the Goodman School of Drama of the Art Institute of Chicago (now the Theatre School at DePaul University). After working for years as a professional actor, director, stage manager, and musician, he went on to write, direct, and perform Bible-based plays in church and parachurch settings. He enjoys playing guitar, bass, keyboards, and drums on worship teams. He’s been married over forty-four years to his wife, Linda. Together they homeschooled their six children, and they now have ten grandchildren. He currently resides in the Puget Sound area.

Connect with Michael:
For interviews, contact
Michael’s Facebook
Acting Out His Word website


Michael Merker, Athena Holtz, Christian podcast, Christian authors, christian publishing, christian publisher, Athena Dean Holtz, christian podcasts, christian testimony, Jesus testimonies, Jesus testimony,

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