All Riled Up!
Ep. 11: "Ted Bundy's Excellent Adventures, Sap-Holes, and Charlie Shins"
Episode 11! w/ Javier "Shark" Rivas, Hugo Jaime, James Mephistopheles, and "Diablo"
In this episode we discuss a wide range of subjects, from how different of a reaction it would be if Hilary Clinton got AIDS and not Charlie Sheen, to which kind of tree we would prefer to have intercourse with. We also talk about George Zimmerman's recent ban from Twitter, and James Mephistopheles from the band, "Regurgitated Abortion" tells one of my favorite stories on the podcast so far. Diablo also tells a repulsive story about him being covered in poo. Fun in the sun! Except I don't enjoy the sun at all, so subtract that.