All About Helping Musicians Podcast

All About Helping Musicians Podcast

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NEVER GIVE UP! (How To Stay MOTIVATED In Your Music Career)
August 03, 2021

How To Stay Motivated In Your Music Career If you want to call this a musician motivational video go ahead, for me it's my truth. This is what drives me everyday to NEVER GIVE UP and avoid taking my foot off the gas. The secret sauce how to stay motivate

The BEST Music Marketing Strategies for 2021 (BBC Asian Network Interview)
July 29, 2021

HUGE thanks to Sonya Barlow for inviting me as a guest onto her BBC Asian Network show 'The Everyday Hustle'.  We spoke about how I started the All About Helping social media marketing agency and touched on some of my best music marketing strategies for

Everything You Need To Release Weekly Freestyles and Acoustic Covers
May 18, 2021

As a rapper or singer, have you ever considered the song a week challenge like Russ or done something lowkey as an Instagram-only to release weekly freestyles?  Sharing a rap freestyle, acoustic cover or song a week can be a powerful to get your audience

The Musician's Triangle! (Play / Pitch / Promote)
May 11, 2021

Do you struggle with music marketing strategies with content ideas for musicians?  A lot of artists find it impossible to figure out what musicians should post on Instagram but these 2 methods are unbelievably simple.  The secret to creating content ide

Predicting The End Of Clubhouse App
May 03, 2021

Let's have a Clubhouse declining? With rumours about Twitter Spaces, LinkedIn and Spotify unveiling new audio-only group calls I've started to wonder if the unique selling point of Clubhouse is fading away.The influential coaches and busines

One Way To 10X Your Likes And Comments (How to Write great Instagram Captions!)
April 26, 2021

One Way To 10X Your Likes And Comments The #1 move that taught me how to get better engagement on Instagram was the moment I figured out what musicians like you need to put in your Instagram captions. By learning how to write great Instagram captions, I

If I Had To Start Again With Zero Fans...
April 21, 2021

I didn't have to "imagine" what it takes to build a fanbase from scratch, it for real happened to me FOUR TIMES.  Life changes and you grow from experiences so that if you start from zero fans knowing what you know now, how would you build a fanbase for

Unlocking My Secret Instagram Hashtag Strategy for Rappers
April 17, 2021

 Before I break down my formula for hashtag research and picking the best hashtags for your posts; I want you to listen....  Having an Instagram Hashtag Stragegy for certain posts is essential but DON'T spam these hashtags onto everything.  I want you t

Clubhouse Tips and Tricks (Before You Play Music In Rooms)
April 06, 2021

Before you play music in Clubhouse, lets discuss how musicians on Clubhouse can make the maximum return on their time investment and build a fanbase out of the audio-only platform. From my own personal experiences I've put together the best Clubhouse tips

Music Video Vs Lyric Video: Two Simple Steps To Get More Views On Music Videos
March 23, 2021

For years, I shared videos that were too long and didn't drive enough watch time! B-O-R-I-N-G.  Then I realised that SHORTER videos work better because excitement spreads attention!  Using this concept, I found the best way to promote your music video o
