All About Helping Musicians Podcast

All About Helping Musicians Podcast

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3 Productivity Apps Musicians Need For 2022 (...and it's NOT what you think!)
January 02, 2022

Happy New Year! For the first episode of 2022, I wanted to focus on 3 productivity apps that really helped me find balance over the holidays. By removing the distractions of scrolling on social media, you can get hyper focused on DEEP WORK. 1) Enabling S

Pricing Your Beats In 4 EASY Steps! (Beginner Selling Beats Online)
December 10, 2021

Dive into my calculation process for pricing your beats to help you as a beginner selling beats online. As a freelance musician, the first step in pricing your beats is to work out your TIME NEEDED per project. Whether that is on an hourly basis or proje

Two EASY Ways To Post EVERYDAY As A Musician (Upscale Your Instagram Posting Frequency!)
December 07, 2021

I want to share a method to help you overcome the pressure of creating content and commit to 1 post everyday as a musician. There's a lot of debate "should you post everyday on Instagram" or "how often should I post on Instagram?" and the decision is up

SIX Mistakes Musicians Make (Why Most Musicians Fail)
December 06, 2021

There are some very common mistakes musicians make when trying to promote a single or announce an album campaign. Having done consultations with dozens of artists on their social media strategy, one of the most common music industry mistakes is caused by

Release 22 Songs In 2022!! Planning Your Market Your Music into 2022)
November 18, 2021

Release 22 Songs In 2022!! (How to Market Your Music into 2022) This video is sponsored by the good people at DistroKid. Get a discounted signup by using the link Discover more about Splits by DistroKid here: https:

7 Radio Show Content Ideas (How To Make A Successful Radio Show)
November 16, 2021

 Imagine what would happen if radio DJ's and Twitch streamers STOPPED PROMOTING radio content on Instagram Stories and instead tried some of these radio show content ideas? What if they started EXPLAINING WHY it's worth listening to their live radio cont

3 Ways to MAKE MONEY With Your Music Production! (Get Paid To Make Music!)
November 14, 2021

There are a lot of different ways to money as a music producer in 2021.... BUT most artists automatically think about getting FAMOUS and creating a desire for touring and attracting millions of streams. In this video, I'm going to show you 3 ways to ma

What Should Musicians Post On Social Media (Content Ideas For Artists)
October 30, 2021

 Stop falling into the trap of promoting your own music and discover 4 easy content ideas for artists in this video.  Almost all successful artists have defined their content pillars for social media and stick to similar categories of Fashion / Beauty /

7 Day Social Media Campaign That ACTUALLY Works To Promote Your Single In 2021
September 11, 2021

If I Managed An Artist's Weekly Single, I'd give them the best music marketing ideas to define 7 days of posts for their social media channels. If you're wondering how to promote a single in 2021, then try this one week music marketing plan. This video i
