All About Helping Musicians Podcast

All About Helping Musicians Podcast

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You Need To Rethink What To Post On Instagram As A Musician
March 06, 2021

What To Post On Instagram As A Musician Taken from an Instagram Live with Charley Jai htps:// we wanted to focus on what to post on instagram as a rapper, beauty influencer, trainer podcaster, Dragonball Z lover and more. As

Russ Strategy Breakdown! How Often Should You Release Music?
February 17, 2021

How many of you guys have  thought about releasing 1 song per week by following the Russ marketing strategy? You might even be tempted to commit to a certain day of the week or even try a 30 day beat a day challenge..... But the major mistakes that artis

WHO Is Your Target Audience As A Musician? 18 Ways To Find Your Fanbase!
February 01, 2021

If you're trying to target EVERYBODY you'll probably reach NOBODY. When marketing your music, you need to have a specific idea of who you are talking to and why they should connect with the content.In this clip, I'll share some ideas from my upcoming eboo

Anxiety, Burnout & Coping Mechanisms
January 26, 2021

Two of the most stressful periods for a musician's journey seem to fall into the buckets of Anxiety before a song release date and the Burnout once the record is available to listen to.In this deeply personal episode, I want to share some of the Coping Me

Who I Helped This Week
January 17, 2021

"Document not create" that's easier said than done. After re-watching Gary Vaynerchuk's Weekly Vee in date order to coincide with the days of this year I felt pumped up to do just that.This mini-podcast is just a reflection on the last few days with some

3 Revenue Streams to Make Money From Music 2021
January 04, 2021

How did you jump into the new year? Are you focused on goal setting and figuring out new ways to make money from music 2021? Or have you set abstract targets for yourself to reach 10,000 followers and get a blue tick verification badge? In this video, I w

3 Lessons From 2020
December 29, 2020

Exactly this time last year, I shared my 3 lessons from 2019 heading into 2020. Nobody could have predicted how crazy this year would be and now it's almost over, I wanted to repeat the same process as we jump into 2021. 1) 2020 was NOT a write-off 2) Ce

Plan 1 Year Of Music Releases! 5 Step Gameplan into 2021
December 16, 2020

Friday, 18th December, 2020.

Facebook Ads For Music Artists - How Much Should You Spend?
December 03, 2020

What do musicians REALLY know about Facebook and Instagram Advertising? From experience, a lot of managers and artists just want Plays; no matter where in the world they come from.Please, stop throwing money down the drain with bad Facebook Ads and let's

Extroverted & Introverted Musicians! How To Create Content As An Artist
November 26, 2020

Last week, a singer gave me an excuse I'd never heard before WHY they couldn't create content as a musician."I'm an introvert, all I do is sit in my studio making beats all day".After explaining how being alone is the perfect situation for filming and edi
