Alive & Writing

Alive & Writing

Chapter 1 Episode 10 Brainstorming with Others

June 06, 2017

Writing is tough, being a writer is tougher. Here at Alive and Writing, we take a closer look at all the challenges you will face as an author including issues with mental health, time management, professionalism, and more.

What do whiteboards, mind maps, and three chatty hosts have in common? Brainstorming! That’s right, today’s episode is about brainstorming with other people (rather than just yourself). Brainstorming is one of the most powerful tools in a writer’s toolbox and we chat about how we brainstorm, why we brainstorm, and who we should brainstorm with. We also have a snazzy little worksheet for you, Five Questions to Get Your Brain Storming (PDF).
*Due to some technical difficulties, the worksheet will be posted later this week. Thank you for understanding and check back soon!
Links and Sites Mentioned in Episode 10
Links in this post may or may not be affiliate links and as a such, we receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

* How to Brainstorm: Give Your Brain Free Rein by Cris Freese
* Brainstorming for Writers by Elizabeth King Humphrey
* Finding Writing Ideas in Two Easy Steps by Harvey Chapman
* 6 Ways to Brainstorm a Book by Lois Hoffman
* Writer Emergency Pack

Stay tuned for next weeks episode when we chat about Brainstorming with Clark.
 Future Episodes:
LTUE (or Clark’s trip there and back again)

Have you missed our last few podcasts? Check them out here:
Chapter 1 Episode 7 Motivation
Chapter 1 Episode 8 Introvert or Extrovert?
Chapter 1 Episode 9 Cheerleaders