Alive & Writing

Alive & Writing

Chapter 1 Episode 9 Cheerleaders

May 30, 2017

Writing is tough, being an author is tougher. Here at Alive and Writing, we take a closer look at all the challenges you will face as an author including issues with mental health, time management, professionalism, and more.

No, we don’t mean cheerleaders as in pom-poms and mini skirts. We’re talking about that one (or more) person who’s always there for you, giving you the advice or guidance you need, and never letting you quit on yourself. You know, a cheerleader for writers. You can always tell which ones they are too because they have coffee or chocolate at the ready and a sympathetic ear but aren’t shy about giving you a quick boot in the rear.
Oh, wait. That’s just me.
Anyway, this week’s episode is about how to find your cheerleaders (or life anchors as Clark likes to call them),  what kinds of cheerleaders are out there (and, newsflash, they aren’t all good!), and why you need them in the first place. Oh, and don’t forget to download your !
Links and Sites Mentioned in Episode 9
Links in this post may or may not be affiliate links and as a such, we receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

* Why Being a Writer’s Cheerleader Will Make or Break Your Writing Career
* Why Cheerleaders Rock the Writing World
* To My Writing Cheerleader
* Writing Cheerleaders
* Alive and Writing’s (PDF)

Stay tuned for next weeks episode when we chat about Brainstorming With Others.
 Future Episodes:
Brainstorming With Clark

Have you missed our last few podcasts? Check them out here:
Chapter 1 Episode 6 It’s NOT a Competition
Chapter 1 Episode 7 Motivation
Chapter 1 Episode 8 Introvert or Extrovert?