Alive & Writing

Alive & Writing

Chapter 1 Episode 8 Introvert or Extrovert

May 23, 2017

Writing is tough, being an author is tougher. Here at Alive and Writing, we take a closer look at all the challenges you will face as an author including issues with mental health, time management, professionalism, and more.

Introverts, extroverts, and ambiverts, oh my! Each of us reacts differently to the thought of interacting with other humans. Whether it’s face-to-face at a book signing or online for a book launch, you need to learn how to use your own unique personality to your advantage. In this episode of Alive and Writing, we discuss what the difference is between the “verts,” how to overcome those pesky social transactions, and why velociraptors with laser scopes aren’t allowed at parties.
Links and Sites Mentioned in Episode 8
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* Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain
* The Power of Introverts (TED Talk)
* Myers-Brigg Test at 16 Personalities
* The Myers-Briggs Types of 101 Authors
* How to Improve Your Writing, by Myers-Briggs Type

Stay tuned for next weeks episode when we chat about Find Your Cheerleaders.
 Future Episodes:
Brainstorming With Others
Brainstorming With Clark

Have you missed our last few podcasts? Check them out here:
Chapter 1 Episode 5 Self-Care
Chapter 1 Episode 6 It’s NOT a Competition
Chapter 1 Episode 7 Motivation