Alive & Writing

Alive & Writing

Chapter 1 Episode 7 Motivation

May 16, 2017

Writing is tough, being an author is tougher. Here at Alive and Writing, we take a closer look at all the challenges you will face as an author including issues with mental health, time management, professionalism, and more.

Motivation comes in all shapes and sizes like fans and the realization of a life-long dream. It also comes in the in the form of cash, which you’ll learn more about in the podcast. Mostly, though, it’s a slippery little thing that we need to help us get writing when nothing else will.
Links and Sites Mentioned in Episode 7
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* Tim Ferris
* Jeff Goin’s Writer’s Manifesto
* Outlining Your Novel by K.M. Weiland

We also refer to Block and Flow from Episode 4 Procrastination.
Stay tuned for next weeks episode when we chat about Introvert or Extrovert.
 Future Episodes:
Find Your Cheerleaders
Brainstorming With Others
Brainstorming With Clark
Let us know how we’re doing. We’re anxious to explore all areas of a writer’s life. And let’s face it. As completely different as we all are from each other, we’re not going to think of everything.

Have you missed our last few podcasts? Check them out here:
Chapter 1 Episode 4 Procrastination
Chapter 1 Episode 5 Self-Care
Chapter 1 Episode 6 It’s NOT a Competition