Alive & Writing

Alive & Writing

C1 E1 You Are Not Alone

April 01, 2017

Writing is tough, being an author is tougher. Here at Alive and Writing, we take a closer look at all the challenges we all face as authors, including issues with mental health, time management, professionalism, and more.

Today’s episode is all about a simple but powerful truth: you are not alone. It doesn’t matter if you’re dealing with depression, anxiety, confusion, book sales, or positive reviews. Good or bad, someone, somewhere has had or is having the same experience as you.
Let’s explore that together.
Links and Sites Mentioned

* Camp NaNo – Meet the project goal you set in 30 days. Available in April and July.
* NaNoWriMo – Write 50,000 words in 30 days, with support and pep talks. Meet other authors online and in person. Available in November.
* Writing Excuses – A podcast for writers, by writers. They try to keep it to 15 minutes but it varies.

Stay tuned for next week as we discuss “Preparing to Write.”