Alien Theorists Theorizing

Alien Theorists Theorizing

Latest Episodes

SPACE NEWS | Alien Mothership
March 15, 2023

Space news is back, every other week!Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

The Battersea Poltergeist | Case File 272
March 13, 2023

Before January 1956, the daily lives of the Hitchings family would have struggled to have been considered remarkable. That year would mark the beginning of one of the most perplexing paranormal cases in London’s history. It would seemingly begin with the

The Fractal Universe | Case File 271
March 06, 2023

Fractals are infinitely complex patterns that can be found in nature and are characterized by self-similarity at different scales. From the branching patterns of trees and veins in leaves, to the shapes of galaxies and the structure of the universe, fract

SPACE News! Planet X!
March 01, 2023

Space news is back with a full crew.Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

The Cowichan Hospital UFO Encounter | Case File 270
February 27, 2023

On the morning of January 1st,1970, Edith Beiling, a school aide, took notice of something strange in the skies near Alexander Elementary school in British Columbia, Canada. Beiling rushed outside after spying the strange object through the window and hav

ChatGPT and Alien AI | Case File 269
February 20, 2023

Support, Socials, Website, and everything ATT here: to the future, where artificial intelligence is no longer just a sci-fi dream, but a reality that is quickly transforming the world we know and perhaps worl

SPACE News: "UFO Obliterations!"
February 17, 2023

Last test episode before the full return of the new show! Tune in live February 26th, 6:30 pm PT on YouTube.Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

Alien Encounter: The Lonnie Zamora UFO Incident | Case File 268
February 13, 2023

On July 4, 1949, Daniel Fry had missed the last bus into the nearby town of Las Cruces from White Sands Missile Proving Grounds in New Mexico. Unable to sleep in his assigned quarters, due the heat, Fry ventured out into the desert night and took to explo

RELEASE UPDATE! ATT Now Available Mondays!
February 10, 2023

We have moved the release of all future pods to Monday instead of Friday. Sorry for the inconvenience,Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

SPACE News: "That's not a Chinese Lantern"
February 06, 2023

Weve got Red sun sensations, Bigfoot explanations, Comet illuminations, Deep Space amino acid foundations, and Interspecies cooperation this week on SPACE NEWS (Feb 5-10)Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: https://redcir