Alien Theorists Theorizing

Alien Theorists Theorizing

Latest Episodes

HALLOWEEN BONUS! Playing with Oujia #2
October 31, 2017

HALLOWEEN BONUS! This week the theorists record a second attempt at playing with Oujia.  Disappointed by the last failed attempt at summoning the spirits of Oujia, Braden, Zel and Andrew try to summon anything they can.

October 23, 2017

Join Braden and Zel as they sit down for a live power hour via facebook live. A bunch of random topics including a drunk time traveller. The Theorists also discuss some issues surrounding the Vegas mass shooting and have a listener from Las Vegas give ...

Case File 50-JFK
October 14, 2017

On November 22, 1963 at 12:30 p.m. in Dallas, Texas, John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was assassinated. The official story is that one crazed gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, shot at the president three times, hitting him twice.

Case File 49-HAARP
October 01, 2017

In the early 1990's the go ahead was giving to a project called the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP for short. Its purpose was to analyze the ionosphere and investigate the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement techn...

Case File 48-Flight 370
September 22, 2017

On March 8th, 2014 Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 En route from Kuala Lumpur International Airport to Beijing Capital International Airport was lost to air traffic controllers 1 hour after take off and was never seen again.

Case File 47-9/11 Revisited
September 11, 2017

This week the theorists revisit the greatest conspiracy of all time, The attack and subsequent destruction of the World Trade Centre in New York City on September 11,2001. An event that changed the face of the entire world,

Case File 46-Crop Circles with Freddy Silva
August 18, 2017

This week Braden and Zel welcome famed crop circle researcher, author, director and all around bad ass, Freddy Silva. His most famous book, "Secrets in the Fields" was released in 2002 and brought the insanity of crop circles to the forefront of discus...

Case File 45-Jack The Ripper
August 08, 2017

This week the theorists tackle one of the most infamous serial killers of all time, Jack The Ripper. Or is it Jill the ripper? There are so many theories for this case that there is a dedicated term for people who research it, ripperologists.

Case File 44-Stan Romanek?
July 21, 2017

Stan Romanek is an author, UFO enthusiast and alleged repeated abductee and is featured on the documentary: Extraordinary. Stan claims to have filmed ET's outside his house, recored conversations of an ET child on his landline,

Case File 43-The Denver Airport Conspiracy
July 07, 2017

This week on Alien Theorists Theorizing, Braden and Zel dig into the Denver Airport, which is shrouded in endless theories and strange sh*t. From the blue hell horse statue to the cryptic and creepy murals to the tales of underground buildings and tunn...