Awaken To Happiness Now

Awaken To Happiness Now

Managing Your Energetic Fields to Optimize to 5D and Beyond with Omaji Andaria

October 07, 2021

Please join Omaji Andaria and me as we talk about Managing Your Energetic Fields to Optimize to 5D and Beyond with Omaji Andaria and The Council of Light​ as well as live Q&A and energetic processes.

This is more that just a conversation - Energetic Downloads and Light Activations will be shared throughout our time together to support you (as you Choose it) into an Elevation of your MULTIDIMENSIONAL Capacities for Living AS Your Infinite Self in this Realm.

#alaracanfield, #awakentohappinessnow, #healing, #support, #energy, #podcast, #live, #video, #transformation, #consciousness, #love