Awaken To Happiness Now

Awaken To Happiness Now

Harnessing and Preparing for the upcoming Ascension Frequencies! with Kim Regnitz

December 16, 2020
Please join Kim Regntiz and me as we talk about Harnessing and Preparing for the upcoming Ascension Frequencies and so much more, as well as live Q&A and energetic processes.
How can we prepare & Harness the most Amazing Frequencies that have already begun to come in through Multidimensional DNA Upgrades & Transformational Downloads? What is ready to shift for you as we continue to detach from 3D Consciousness, what no longer serves our Divine “I AM” Embodiment as a Light Master???
Join me, Kim and the “I AM” Alchemy Team Collective, through Kim as a Conscious Channel, as we explore these most Magical & Auspicious Multidimensional Time(lines) to be incarnated!
Some of what we may Explore is:
*The “Cosmic Weather & Powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse Energies that we are in right now!
*Chiron in Aries (Asteroid Wounded Healer) Stationing direct!
*The upcoming Shift of Saturn & Jupiter in Aquarius and the Great Conjunction of 12-21-20 (Winter Solstice) and what is ready to shift Planetarily and for you?!?
*How to Navigate the various Challenges with Self and/or Others about witnessing in the “Awakening” process that is really just beginning!
*The Ancestors, Shifting these patterns and their Evolutionary ‘Opportunity’! Kim will be sharing several high Frequency MultiDimensional Holographic Processes as well as taking your live Questions!
Plan to stay until the very End, as Kim will be offering a Holographic Activation around Harnessing & Preparing for these AMAZING Energies! (please no driving during this call)! As we will be still in the New Moon Energy of this Sagittarian Eclipse, this High Vibrational call holds the Opportunity of the Jupiter (Expansive “Optimism:) in the Manifestation your Greatest Souls Desire!