Awaken To Happiness Now

Awaken To Happiness Now

The Chronic Project Protocol -shift your stuckness in SECONDS with just ONE WORD with Nidhu B Kapoor

November 24, 2020
Please join Nidhu B Kapoor and me live today as we talk about ​​The Chronic Project Protocol - shift your stuckness in SECONDS with just ONE WORD! and so much more, as well as live Q&A and processes.
Everybody has a chronic project - a long time sufferance, an issue, a pain that won't resolve completely and takes up a lot of our time, energy, bandwidth and money; be it with our bodies, our relationships, our emotions or our finances. With Chronic Projects, relief comes, but usually for too short a time and we bounce from healing and healer to healing and healer - you've probably tried it all, including affirmations!
But have you tried the only process in the world that takes less than a second to apply? (You just have to say ONE WORD!) And experienced shifts in seconds? If you have, you know how swiftly this works. If you haven't, you have just gotta check it out for yourself. The Divine Decrees are cosmic commands and divine instructions - nothing works as fast! Deep and complete healing work takes anywhere from 8 months to three years, BUT with The Decrees, it takes seconds, minutes, weeks and just a few months!
The hallmarks of a Chronic Project:
- Feeling unsafe and unprotected
- Leading an alone, lonely, isolated existence
- Traumatic, abusive past or present
- Waiting and waiting to be perfect
- Biting off more than you can chew
- Working out of pressures
- Tendency to put off things
- Riddled with covert or overt anger or anxiety
- Latent depression
- Shallow breathing
- Unhealthy boundaries
- Addictions
- Need to hide or be invisible
- Attracting people and situations that confirm you are not good enough, not worthy, not deserving
- Rigid sense of wrongness or rightness for the self and others
- Discomfort acknowledging and processing emotions
Time to let it all go, what do you say?! Understanding is the first stage of healing, so let me tell you, it is not your fault. There is a reason you have a Chronic Project - get on the call to know that and what you can do about it. In seconds!!
Time to rewrite your story and open a new chapter - begin 2021 with this brand new you!
Time to make the fastest healing process in the world part of your tool kit rightaway!
It takes just a second to say it and the results can be felt immediately! Swift, gentle, powerful, Speedster Shifts! that can be used on anything and everything under the sun. And above it!! Money, relationships, health pets, plants, doors, computers, stuck doors & windows, faulty appliances, the weather - you can use them for anything and everything, anyone and everyone!
Check out the brilliance of The Divine Decrees:
- The ease of doing it yourself!
- Can be done anytime, anywhere!
- The simplicity of the process
- it is just words!
- Use it on anything and everything, anyone and everyone
- Enjoy connecting to energy flows within, especially if you are an empath
- See results in the external world within hours!
- Chronic Projects get relief in minutes
- You connect to your authenticity and truth fastest
- You understand yourself and have better connections with yourself
- You draw healthy boundaries quickly
- You become a master of your own energy system
- Confidence rises as does self esteem and self worth
- You live from choice, not pressure and fear
Change brain neural pathways, clear past lives, heal family abuse, appease ancestors, complete Karma, positively impact seven generations backward and forward - SIMULTANEOUSLY
The words have the power to direct energies to work a certain way. And because our energies are alive and sentient, they respond Instantly! In fact over time, just beginning to think of the decree makes the shift happen! You see, you are not the patient. Your stuck energy, is. YOU are the doctor!!