Awaken To Happiness Now

Awaken To Happiness Now

Soul Star Upgrade with Nan Akasha

September 18, 2020
Please join Nan Akasha and me as we talk about Soul Star Upgrade - Attune to the New Temple of Your Higher Self and so much more, as well as live Q&A and energetic processes.
LIVE Soul Star Readings and Healings with individuals and a guided group experience. So many people feel like they are meant for something bigger, they feel ready to live their purpose, be more connected to their higher selves - yet feel stuck, or unclear on deciphering the new energies and communication coming through.
-What's the best way to break free from this?
-Why is this a key moment for expanding our connection to our Soul Star - the home of the higher self?
-Why is this awakening happening now and what can we do to find a stronger, clearer connection to our higher self and purpose in the midst of all the breakdowns and chaos?
-How is this massive global shift (pandemic, economic shutdowns, social distancing and the fears and concerns and uncertainty) a huge opportunity to upgrade our LightBody, senses and normal daily connection to our higher self and Soul guidance and power?
-Why is the Soul Star being awakened at this time?
-How does this apply to my Soul mission?
-How can I reveal and release the biggest fears and blocks to receiving and understanding messages from my Higher Self?
Live Sacred Mayan Ceremony ONLINE! for Fall Equinox on Sept 20, 2020