Awaken To Happiness Now

Awaken To Happiness Now

Awakening Your Angel Light Body with Kimberly Marooney

August 12, 2020
Please join Kimberly Marooney and me as we talk about ​​Awakening Your Angel Light Body and so much more, as well as live Q&A and processes.
-Energy is streaming into our world from the cosmos now to awaken. We are in the Lion’s Gate, which opens the flow of energy supporting abundance and dreaming big!
-Focus on the qualities of your Eternal Self. What are your Super Powers? What comes naturally? The more focus you put upon these divine qualities, the more quickly they will embody to become accessible always.
-Your Angel Light Body is eternal, dwelling in the Divine Realm of Love. In your Angel Light Body, you are ascended, awake, and ONE with all that is. While you are unique, there is no separate from other Light Beings. It is an experience of pure love and consciousness with no self or personality. It is at once ecstatic and serene, expansive and fulfilled.
-Breath is your connecting link! Through breath, you can expand the light you carry in every situation and moment of life.