Awaken To Happiness Now

Awaken To Happiness Now

Clearing Repeat Patterns and Embracing A New Chapter with Philippa King

August 11, 2020
Please join Philippa King and me as we talk about ​​Clearing Repeat Patterns and Embracing A New Chapter and so much more, as well as live Q&A and processes.
-I thought I’d healed that, why is it showing up again?
-Freedom from karmic debts, vows and soul agreements keeping repeat patterns in play
-Dissolving chords tying you to low vibration people, places and situations
-Clearing your vibrational fields and timelines of limiting patterns
-Reclaim lost soul fragments to feel more whole and complete
-Anchoring more of your soul light to embrace a new chapter individually and collectively
We are collectively moving out of an old lower vibrational patterns of thoughts, fears and behaviours and into alignment with the higher vibrational aspects of our true-selves and the cosmos. We came here at this time to clear our individual and collective energy fields of these low vibrational patterns and anchor the higher vibrational frequencies into thoughts, actions and behaviours to create a new chapter in our lives, on Earth and in the cosmos.
You are a unique divine being of love and light, made of source energy. You volunteered to come to earth at this time of ascension to clear up ALL your past life time patterns, to process certain frequencies and patterns for others and to bring the gift of your true frequency and your divine gifts to the world, in a way that honours and contributes to your life and planet.
During this interview, we will be diving deeply how and why NOW is the time to free your system of any old low vibration patterns and remember why you came here, to embrace more of the source energy within you and be part of this amazing new chapter that we are all creating.