Awaken To Happiness Now

Awaken To Happiness Now

Illumination of Your Soul with Donna-Marie Hallessy

June 04, 2020
Please join Donna-Marie Hallessy  and me as we talk about Illumination of Your Soul and so much more, as well as live Q&A and energetic processes.
It is within this time of darkness that the ILLUMINATION of your soul is being called forward. Your light is needed to shine into the heart of humanity.Do not hide in the absence of light but rather RISE ... light the way for those who can’t see and ignite others. This is the path now for all light workers who have chosen this timeline.All will prevail in the unmasking and Divine Light will shine for ALL to see.In retrospect to all that is unfolding I would like to use this time wisely and remind each and every light worker that our own light and vibrational alignment is needed now more than ever.The warriors of light are being called forward.The importance of being grounded and connected to Source Divine Light energy is going to be mandatory for everyone in order to maintain their own Divine alignment and sovereignty within todays chaos.On this call:-A peaceful warrior is balanced -centred -calm and aligned. In order to be a guiding light we must move from a place of heart centred detachment and Divine truth.-Vibrational alignment is achieved by daily anchoring and grounding.This ritual allows for the necessary connectedness to help us release ourselves from all judgement and hold light and space for all of humanity.-It is important to know that we ALL count and ALL matter and our vibrational energy is supporting light consciousness to evolve into the 5D and assisting the transition for The Awakening of The New World.-Experience a guided anchoring and grounding process on the call and on the spot energy clearings.