Awaken To Happiness Now

Awaken To Happiness Now

Bringing Your Divine Gifts to Earth with Philippa King

March 17, 2020
Please join Philippa King and me as we talk about Bringing Your Divine Gifts to Earth and so much more, as well as live Q&A and energetic processes.
-Align with your divine gifts and path
-Discover the biggest block to shining your light and sharing your gifts
-Clear blocks to bringing your divine gifts and light to Earth
-Clear individual, collective and planetary fears of your own power and gifts
-Gain more clarity on importance of bringing your true frequency to new earth energy NOW
-Remember you have come here with a higher purpose
You are a unique divine being of love and light, made of source energy. You have chosen to come to earth at this time of ascension to bring the gift of your true frequency and your divine gifts to the world, in a way that honours and contributes to your life and planet.
There are lots of blocks, fears and agreements that hold us back from truly shining our light, embracing our divine path and bringing our light and gifts to Earth. As we align and integrate with more of our light and multi-dimensional selves, many of us may be re-awakening to ancient gifts, our current gifts evolving or our direction changing, this can sometimes be challenging as we are being called from within to bring our true-selves and gifts forward. During this interview, we will be diving deeply into the origins of these blocks and how you can clean your vibration of these disruptions, so that you can proudly and confidently shine your light in the world and have more clarity on your divine path.