Awaken To Happiness Now

Awaken To Happiness Now

The Pleiadian Perspective for this time with Christine Day

October 10, 2019
Please join Christine Day and me as we talk about The Pleiadian Perspective for this time: Your enlightenment process and so much more, as well there will be live Q&A and energetic processes. A fantastic call filled with inspired wisdom and new perspectives to re-connect with ourselves and our multi-dimensional team, as well as a potent process to connect with ourselves.
-What is the most important thing for us to focus on at this juncture in our evolution?-How do we work with shifting our perspective from being human to being sacred beings?-How do I live within the 3 dimensional drama and still stay centered?-How are the Pleiadians supporting us at this time?-Why are they supporting us?-How can i access the higher self aspect of myself?