Awaken To Happiness Now

Awaken To Happiness Now

The Akashic Records & Loving the Energy of Money with Paul and Holly Marwood

August 22, 2019
Please join Paul and Holly Marwood and me live today as we talk about The Akashic Records & Loving the Energy of Money and so much more, as well there will be live Q&A and energetic processes. Another wonderful show with Paul and Holly that is filled with wisdom, insights, and teachings about money, energy, and so much more as well as a powerful guided process to access our Akashic Records and receive valuable and relevant information.
Riding the Money Roller Coaster? Having enough, not having enough, not knowing how to manage it when it comes in, choosing a profession that might not be an abundant pathway, carrying family beliefs around the problems with money...sound familiar?In our world, at this time, money holds a great deal of mystery. Some people seem to be effortlessly abundant and others, with the same talent, drive and capabilities could be struggling. Some people work for years and never seem to get ahead, while others appear to be shot out of a rocket!Find out how to shift your relationship to the Energy of Money and discover how the Akashic Records can hold a key to this shift!
In this interview we will talk about:
-Current Money Paradigms in Our World-Unseen issues that may be interfering with your ability to experience Money Freedom-How to discover a new relationship with money: one of your conscious choosing!-What the Akashic Records are and why they are the perfect dimension to shift your relationship to money
In this interview you will also experience:
-How to open your own Akashic Records-A guided experience in your own Akashic Records, breaking into this SoulLevel Dimension-Tips on how to begin to shift your energy relative to the energy of money