Awaken To Happiness Now

Awaken To Happiness Now

Awakening Your Powers of the Divine Feminine Womb To Rebirth Your New Reality with Laura Hosford

July 18, 2019
Please join Laura Hosford and me as we talk about The Rising Goddess Within - Awakening Your Powers of the Divine Feminine Womb To Rebirth Your New Reality, as well there will be live Q&A and processes. Powerful enlightening conversation, powerful meditation and activation with light language, and a powerful channeled message from Mother Mary, truly another life-changing empowering conversation.
Are you Ready to:⇔Embrace your inner divine feminine energies opening your heart-womb birthing you into a new reality of inner balance, wholeness, pure joy and bliss?
⇔Create a fresh new reality for yourself as you dive deep into the wellspring waters of the Divine Mother to nourish your soul and unveil your hidden creative powers!
⇔Learn to embody more of your soul’s sweet fragrance as you re-discover areas of inner strength, beauty and confidence you have forgotten how to access.
⇔Reclaim your inner Goddess powers of “divine love” to launch you into pure joy, bliss and freedom! The Goddess energy is here to guide and support your journey to reclaim your state of wholeness and set you free from the false imprisonment of the previous 3D Earth reality and align you with your Soul’s unique divine truth!
Laura says, "As we begin to open our heart, minds and wombs to align with these beautiful divine feminine energies once again on the Earth we can begin to embrace more of our own divine qualities of unconditional love, compassion, grace, beauty, intuition, flow, abundance, joy, creative genius, collaboration, integrity, respect, patience, nurturance bringing us into a state of wholeness and inner balance. As we open to embody these beautiful healing energies our lives will forever be changed in a way we have not experienced for many lifetimes here on our Earth. Let us sing and dance and give praise to our Divine Mother Sophia God for birthing us into these amazing energies of her flowing love and grace! It is truly a special time to be alive on this Earth and to witness this amazing reunion of humanity with all of Creation! It is done! Amen."
What you will learn today on our show:-Laura will share some of her spiritual healing story with our community.-History of the Grail mysteries, the lost Feminine Holy Grail and connection with Mary Magdalene-An invitation from Divine Sophia Mother to embrace the power of your Womb-Heart connection as your bridge to full empowerment and ascension.-The important mission of the Priestess to ignite her divine feminine frequency, awaken her sacred codes of light to activate her contract to serve humanity in a bigger way.-How are Empathic Heart Connection empowers us to become Master Manifestors of Heaven on Earth.-Ways to restore your Womb Wisdom and reclaim your Goddess powers of “divine love” to harness your power for more inner strength, beauty and confidence in your life!-A new world emerging of beauty, inspiration, love, Joy and freedom reconnection and healing highlights from Rennes Le Chateau France, Womb Center of the World.