Awaken To Happiness Now

Awaken To Happiness Now

Are Life's Distractions keeping you dull? with DaKara Kies

July 16, 2019
Please join DaKara Kies and me as we talk about Are Life's Distractions keeping you dull? and so much more, as well as live Q&A and processes. A wonderful conversation about distractions and how to get back to you and your focus and many powerful guided energetic processes. So much info and wisdom, you may have to listen again and again.
There are all kinds of distractions in life. What if there are devices keeping you in a place of distraction and not allowing you to stay in a higher vibration? Distractions can serve a purpose, but when we live in the land of distractions our frequency can drop and we become energetically 'dull'. During our call we'll tune in and clear distraction energies and devices, allowing you to SHINE and be in alignment with your true self.
Learn simple tools that will assist you in re-directing yourself to what matters and keeping your vibration high. Keeping life simple especially during these highly intense times on Mother Earth, will help you and other. You'll be surprised at how simple some of these tools are, we just need to remember to gift our self with love and attention.
-Live healing and transformations using Light Alchemy, Ancient Sacred Language and Sound to transform the energy of Distraction!-What's holding YOU back from Manifesting with ease and staying focused?-Do you have a Gatekeeper holding onto the energy of Distraction? -What is a Gatekeeper and how does it hold you back in many areas of your life? If you feel stuck, likely there is a Gatekeeper, let's move it on!-Are you ready to activate the part of your brain that is pre-programmed to manifest, shine and radiate?-Learn simple tools to help you re focus and raise your vibration.-Feel strong, empowered, focused and ready to take on the world. -Stand in your power and the energy attributes of focus and clarity.