AJCN In Press

AJCN In Press

New AJCN Journal Sections in Food Systems, Precision Nutrition

April 21, 2021

In this episode of AJCN In Press, AJCN’s Inaugural Dennis M. Bier Young Career Editor, Kevin C. Klatt, PhD, RD chats with Jessica Fanzo, PhD and Lorraine Brennan, PhD, both Associate Editors at AJCN respectively leading two new research categories: Food Systems and The Environment, and Nutrigenomics and Precision Nutrition. In this episode, Drs Fanzo and Brennan discuss the rationale behind developing these 2 new journal sections, what prospective authors and readers should know about the sections, and their insights on the future of nutrition research. Learn more about the influential scholarship of these two distinguished editors and podcast guests in the “Meet the Editors” section of the AJCN Website.

Interested in more specifics about these two new research categories? Check out the accompanying AJCN introductory manuscripts authored by Dr Fanzo, Dr Brennan, and colleagues.

Be sure to connect with us on Twitter: Dr. Klatt and AJCN. Find all of the publications from the American Society for Nutrition (@nutritionorg; @jnutritionorg) at our website.

Related articles:

The importance of food systems and the environment for nutrition

Nutrigenomics: lessons learned and future perspectives