AJCN In Press

AJCN In Press

Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Food-Related Quality of Life with Kevin Whelan

March 05, 2021


In this episode of AJCN In Press, we travel across the pond, so to speak, and chat with Professor Kevin Whelan, Professor of Dietetics and Head of Department of Nutritional Sciences at King’s College London, United Kingdom about his recent publication in AJCN. Dr. Whelan is a renowned investigator in the fields of gastroenterology and dietetics, having undertaken and led extensive research on pre- and pro-biotics, fiber, the gut microbiome, and gastrointestinal health and disease. His research and teaching efforts have received national and international recognition, including Dr. Whelan being appointed as a Fellow of the British Dietetic Association and delivering the prestigious Dr. Elsie Widdowson Memorial Lecture.

Be sure to connect with us on Twitter: Dr. WhelanDr. Klatt, and AJCN. Find all of the publications from the American Society for Nutrition (@nutritionorg@jnutritionorg) at our website.

Related article:

Food-related quality of life is impaired in inflammatory bowel disease and associated with reduced intake of key nutrients