AJCN In Press

AJCN In Press

2020 AJCN Year in Review with Christopher Duggan and Deirdre Tobias

January 29, 2021

Happy New Year from everyone at The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition! In this episode, Dennis M. Bier MD Young Career Editor Kevin C. Klatt, PhD, RD (virtually) sits down to talk with AJCN Editor-in-Chief, Christopher Duggan MD, MPH, and Academic Editor, Deirdre (DeeDee) Tobias, ScD, and reflect on the past year at AJCN. Stay tuned for Drs. Duggan and Tobias deep dive into some of the top Altmetric scoring papers from 2020!

Find out more about Drs. Duggan and Tobias, and all of our editors.

Be sure to connect with us on Twitter: Dr. TobiasDr. Klatt, and AJCN. Find all of the publications from the American Society for Nutrition (@nutritionorg@jnutritionorg) at our website.

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