

AH 4,5 : Who wants to be a Euronaire?

November 29, 2015

Today, we're doing something a little different, we're having a gameshow. Drew's the boss, and since we suck at American History, we're doing American History. Join us as we see how stupid Sam and Cara really are in Who wants to be a Euronaire!
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Date of Signing of the Dec. Of independence
Where the peace was declared
When the peace was declared
Washington DC Attacked
DC Founding
Star spangled banner
Battle of orleans
US civil war
Confederate president
Turning point of the US civil war
Confederate flag
US civil war
Ending of the war
Pickett's charge
Battle of little bighorn
In 1800 states
Original 13 colonies      
Stupid swiss question
Last state in the union
Ohio in the union
Stonewall Jackson's arm's gravestone
Cara won 9–10