Ahkameyimok Podcast with Perry Bellegarde
Green Party Leader Annamie Paul: The Best of Ahkameyimok - The Political Interviews
***This interview with the Green Party Leader Annamie Paul was first posted on October 15, 2020, shortly after she won the Green Party leadership and before in-fighting broke out within the Green Party caucus and organization***
***With the Akhameyimok Podcast on hiatus and a federal election underway, we are re-running National Chief Bellegarde's best interviews from the past year with leaders and senior members of the main federal political parties to help provide a sense of where they stand on issues important to First Nations and Indigenous people. ****
Almost the first words in new Green Party leader Annamie Paul's victory speech, spoke of solidarity with Canada's First Nations:
"As the descendant of the black diaspora who has suffered its own history of oppression and colonialism, I will always stand with indigenous peoples and their calls to action, and their calls to justice and their fight for self-determination and sovereignty.”
In this episode of the Ahkameyimok Podcast, Canada's first black and first Jewish female party leader joins Chief Perry Bellegarde to discuss why she believes First Nations causes are so important, ways to tackle systemic racism, and why social policies are just as important to the Green party as environmental ones.
A big thanks goes out to the Red Dog Singers of Treaty 4 Territory in Saskatchewan for our theme music.
The Ahkameyimok Podcast is produced by David McGuffin of Explore Podcast Productions.