The Agilisys Podcast: Transforming the public sector

The Agilisys Podcast: The methodology behind the automation of the NHS Electronic Staff Record
In this latest episode of the Agilisys Podcast, we’re joined by a trio of robotic process automation (RPA) experts from Agilisys to talk about the successful automation of NHS Electronic Staff Record (ESR) processes.
This discussion focuses on the Agilisys team and the agile delivery methodology that ensured a smooth, effective and fast implementation of the Blue Prism Cloud technology, which has transformed the way ESR processes are run. This builds on Episode 6 of the Agilisys podcast, which discussed the project from the perspective of the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) in episode 6 of the Agilisys podcast.
Topics discussed in this podcast include:
- The discovery process that helped Agilisys work with NHSBSA to identify ESR as a suitable process to automate
- The approach Agilisys took to ensure the project was successfully delivered, including why delivery was broken down into parts
- From a development perspective, how any difficulties were overcome
- How Agilisys built confidence within NHSBSA and the ESR team ahead of going live
- What’s next for this project – and the wider partnership